What are we up to? Today at school we read a chapter of David Livingstone (missionary to Africa), we worked on memorization (a poem we're learning, called The Year), we worked on writing (copywork), and we had an interview with Uncle Ed (Jeoff's brother) in Japan since we're studying Asia for geography.
During the younger kids' naptime and Diona's independent work time, I washed and folded a boat load of clothes and did the dishes.
I didn't have quite as much cleaning to do as usual because the kiddos are becoming such better helpers and much better at playing in one area and cleaning that area up. But only if I stay on top of them with reminders and pointers - that's the key!
This evening your big brother had soccer practice, which was cute as always, and afterwards we all headed to Lowe's to look at some kid room decorations and wallpaper for the kitchen.
Tonight we watched the finale of America's Best Dance Crew - Go Jabbawockeez!!!!
I missed the finale of Celebrity Apprentice although I watched the show pretty faithfully through out the season. I'll have to catch it online tomorrow or this weekend. I think Trace Adkins won. At least I hope he did. These are really the only two shows we watch and Jeoff just got into Dance Crew last week as I was flipping through the channels. The other two I flip on every once in a while are A Baby Story - which is getting on my nerves, Top Model, and Extreme Makeover Home Edition. A Baby Story is getting on my nerves because I want to see stories of more women walking around during labor and pushing in different positions other than laying almost flat. Oh we also flip in at Biggest Loser and Dancing with the Stars.... and yeah Hannity and Colmes or Larry King if there's a good guest or topic. Why am I rambling about this??? Hmmmmm .... I guess just so I'll have it documented for history's sake. Seriously though, the tv is usually off at our house except about 5-6 hours all week.
Update: Friday, March 28
We went for my appointment at the birth center today and I was dilated almost to 2cm. Beverly encouraged me (reminded me) to make sure I walk an hour each day to help with labor. My blood pressure was normal and she took blood for them to check my iron level again. My stomach measured 43 1/2 inches today.
Another update - Piers won Celebrity Apprentice. Oh goodness. I hope he improves his attitude.
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