Wednesday, November 25, 2009

New books ordered this week!

I like ordering books throughout the school year instead of ordering them all at once before school starts. This gives the kids (and me) an opportunity to get excited about opening something new, right in the middle of the school year.

These are books from the My Father's World Lists: Creation to Greeks and Rome to Reformation. I don't order their entire packet, but I do appreciate it so I refer to it and look for the used books on Amazon or elsewhere!

Here are the book we ordered:

1. Streams of Civilization: Earliest Times to the Discovery of the New World

A hardcover world history text which provides a comprehensive overview of ancient history from Creation through the 1620s from a Christian perspective. Extensive vocabulary questions and suggested projects are listed throughout the text. This text contains numerous illustrations, sidebars, and maps.

2. How the Bible Came to Us: The Story of the Book that Changed the World

Read the stories of the people who made it possible for us to have the Bible in our own language. Learn how to crack a code. Make your own secret scroll. Find out for yourself the exciting adventure story of the book that changed the world - and still changes people's lives today.

3. What the Bible is All About for Young Explorers: Based on the Best-Selling Classic by Henrietta Mears

This children's resource is especially designed to give young explorers an overview of the Bible. Based on the best-selling classic by Henrietta Mears, it's a colorful handbook with information about each book of the Bible--background, main characters, a map, archaeology, and more! Important sections detail how each book reveals God's plan to send a Savior and how we fit into that plan. Written in a fresh, contemporary style and featuring new articles, maps, charts and illustrations, this book will help reinforce the Bible study skills that kids need to grow in Christ.

4. The Trojan Horse: How the Greeks Won the War (Step-Into-Reading, Step 5)

Trouble is brewing between Greece and Troy. The Trojans control a waterway important to the Greeks, and demand a toll every time the Greeks use it. When a Trojan king kidnaps the Greek queen Helen to be his son Paris's wife, this means war! After ten years of fighting, the Greeks play the greatest trick in military history - using the Trojan Horse. This fascinating tale, full of heroes, is based on truth and forever immortalized in Homer's Iliad.

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