Sunday, August 05, 2018

Expectations of God - Part 1

Friends, I've been thinking a lot over the past few months about the expectations we have of God. Most everyone has, for some reason or another, developed a form of expectations when it comes to God, our Creator. The amount of those expectations can fall anywhere from too many, to too little to none at all. Where do you fall in that range? 1 . Do you have too many expectations of God? For what could be a myriad of reasons, have you come to expect that since you believe in him and since you understand that he is good, that if you pray enough, or have faith that is strong enough, he will ultimately provide the things that you want? 2. Do you have too little expectations of God? Have you been let down and it has caused you to stop believing that he has good plans for you? Did you, at one time, have great faith in him, but have now become distant from the Lord and stopped seeking him and his promises? 3. Do you have no expectations of God at all? Have repeated negative circumstances caused you to abandon your faith? Have you never believed in Him, so you have no reason to expect anything from him? If I were to be completely honest, I have fallen in each of those categories at different points of my life. As I've gotten older, and have hit the season of being a "middle aged" woman. [what in the world???], I've seen that my time spent in each of these categories has increased. At other times what has increased has been the frequency of which I've moved from one to another. So much so, that I've had to take out a moment, steal away alone, and get my dog gone self together!!! It's like who are you? Can you remain in one frame of mind? I'm so thankful that the Lord is patient with me and gracious with me during those times. * Too many expectations * In those times that my expectations were too great, and I wanted him to do it and do it now! ......The Lord had to show me that he is sovereign and I am not. There are many prayers I've prayed that he did not answer according to my wishes and many plans I've had that he has redirected. Throughout those times I learned what he meant in Psalm 147:5 and Ephesians 1:11-12. My understanding is so extremely limited in comparison to his. Every redirected plan and every reordered step was predestined and it conforms with the purpose of his will! * Too little expectations * Let downs feel like crap! I've had experiences after things have gone well for me for a season, only to have a sudden slap in the face and I'm sorely disappointed. Has that ever happened to you? If I'm strong at the moment, and I've been building myself up in the Word, I'm able to bounce back. Other times, not so much. I'm honestly tempted to give up on trusting him, and I neglect the very nourishment and strength that is right there available to lift me up. I forget that his grace is sufficient, that his power is perfected in my weakness. It's a scary time because often I move on to other things that can fill my time and energy, but I'm completely ignoring my relationship with the Lord. It may feel like things are coasting along fine, not realizing what's awaiting around the corner. I'm drifting far from the Father's heart. It's an overwhelming feeling. As I think about it there is one passage that comes to mind and gives me hope. Psalm 61:2 says, "When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me the the rock that is higher than I." It is that Rock. My savior who has proven over and over that no matter how overwhelmed I get, his promise of safety and strength is sure. I can rest assured of that. * No expectations * So yeah, I admit it. I've had times where I became completely hopeless after realizing that something was not going to go my way. To the point where I give up on believing that anything good can happen. After reviewing the past times I've experienced this, I realized that more often than not, these times were preceded by one of the seasons I mentioned above. I didn't properly deal with my let downs. When we don't properly deal with our let downs, we move into apathy. The heart gives up on any hope of receiving goodness from the Father and we move further into places where we're completely living our lives apart from his will for us. Our trust in him is gone. We have no desire for deep relationship with him, honestly because we're afraid of being hurt by him. If we aren't trusting him for anything, he can't let us down right? I've certainly been there. But I'm learning that although trust is scary, I would much rather trust in the sovereign hand of the Almighty than to suffer the alternative. I've learned that as I've slid down that slippery slope from disappointment, to discouragement, to hopelessness, to apathy, I may try and trick myself into believing that a season apart from vulnerability is peaceful, however the end result is emptiness. I'm learning that as I press through in my relationship with him and as I am real with him about what doesn't feel good, I'm able to get closer to where Paul was in Philippians 4:11-12, when he said he's learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I believe it when he said it was a "secret" because it's surely and obviously not known by all. And that is truly what led him to vs 13, that many of us quote so often, "I can do all things through him who give me strength." Sincerely, Strong Woman

Monday, January 08, 2018

Restoring Relationships Ministry

Over the past year and a half, I have attended an amazing class at church, called Bethesda.  Bethesda Family Services is led by Dominic Herbst.

The amount of insight I’m beginning to receive from this class is beyond amazing.  I say “beginning” because although I’ve attended for almost 2 years I still have so much to learn.

If you would like a glimpse of what this ministry has in store for you, listen to the videos below, and visit their website, at

Monday, October 10, 2016

This Christian's Worst Dilemma During the Presidential Election 2016

I think it's fair to say that most people in this country who can hear or read, or can receive information communicated to them in some form or fashion, are offended by statements made by Donald J. Trump, both his past and his present.

Almost an equal amount of people have voiced strong opinions about whether they distrust Hillary Clinton or are able to overlook, condone or justify her past actions.

Thinking through this whole fiasco reminds me of recent arguments regarding the Black Lives Matter movement.  Many of the statements I hear dismissing or defending Donald Trump's or Hillary Clinton's behavior remind me of statements like "well, what about white lives" or "what about all lives?"  

We can't dismiss a valid issue, by pointing to the importance of another.

The need to recognize, fight for a means of prevention, and render punishment for the injustices committed by law enforcement against black men -- is valid.

The need to acknowledge that there is violence in the black community committed by those within our race -- is valid.

The need to admit that there can be actions, taken by some individuals facing police questioning, which are disrespectful -- is valid.

Considering the dilemma many of us feel we face during this election - having to choose the "lesser of two evils" - I am challenged by some of the statements I saw posted on Facebook by Pastor Mike Hayes and by Franklin Graham (son of Billy Graham).  

Their statements bring into focus the need to step away from our gaze at the individual personalities and actions made by these two candidates who are before us.   Although it's unimaginable for some to think of Hillary leading our country, or Donald embarrassing the U.S., or respecting either of them as our leader, the statements by Hayes and Graham challenge us to ponder the holistic process of government and the power and influence given by a particular political party's platform.

Although I love how the statements of these two men challenged me, I can't say that hearing this will solve the toiling unrest in those who, like me, are experiencing a countless number of emotions, relative to issues on both sides of the fence.  It would be great if I could simply say, oh yeah, forget the temperaments and just vote for my convictions.  It feels weird and unsettling.

Now for those who merely lean toward support of a sole party, it has at times been a no-brainer to zoom in on the faults of the other party's rep.  Just as the Presidential debates and campaign messages are filled with jabs and stabs, these same sentiments overwhelm the social media commentary, water cooler, locker room and living room talk.

But what's the point of any of this, when every day and every year there are policies being made and battles being fought that truly matter to you and me?  Policies influenced by the "party in charge."

This whole muddle continues to remind me that we are in this worst dilemma.  Some may say, when solidifying their choice, "I can't stand him or her but at least I'll get what I want for the  next 4 years."

That brings me to the issues.

What seems even worse than the difficult task of choosing one person or the other, is that it's impossible for me, in clear conscience, to side with one set of players (platform of issues) --- for this team of which I fantasize.  If only I could customize and select everything that matters to me and not have to pick from what's been already assembled.  Like if I could choose Cap, Thor, Iron Man, Superman and Superwoman together, right?  All of my favs!

But that's not an option.

As my three older children have grown and become more curious, they've asked me to explain on many occasions, the difference between Republican and  Democrat, the difference between conservative and liberal.  In their attempt to summarize it, I've heard them repeat phrases they've heard from others.  Phrases such as: 

"Democrats are for black people right?" 

"Republicans fight for and protect the rich right?" 

"Democrats give to people in need right?"

"Republicans are Christians right?"

"Democrats are for letting people do whatever FEELS right to them -- right?"

"Republicans believe in God's definition of marriage and are against killing unborn  babies, right?"

I wish I could tell you that I've always been able to give a clear and confident answer to their questions.  

But that would be a lie.

I wish I could tell them that Mommy and Daddy have solidified our stance with ONE party and can wholeheartedly support a particular party's candidate (or list of candidates) in a given election. 

That would also be a lie.

There are a few things I CAN tell my children, though.  

I don't believe I will ever become a diehard member of any political party.

I don't believe I will ever vote for someone based solely on their promises, charisma, or character.

Focus on the issues and improving ones understanding of the political process is my recommendation to my children and to anyone, regardless of whether you lean toward the left or the right!  This understanding includes the makeup and roles of the Cabinet, Congress and the Legislature , the influence of the Supreme Court and other appointed positions, as well as State and local government.

In this process, as a Christian, there is this most apparent reality that must be considered.  Neither of the dominant political parties can claim the label of "the party for Christian people or Christian principles".  Period.   

Further, I don't believe either party has consistently kept promises made during an election season.  Whether these promises and hopes speak to your religious conviction, your plea for the poor, your need of support for your business, your appeal for a larger tax refund/credit, or your expectation of the advancement, restitution or acknowledgement for your race.

So it's painful to see how many will rally behind a party or individual, clinching to the feelings of hope that "this time he/she/they will affect the lasting change I've been waiting for."  Or the number of people who will merely feel good that this person achieved the accomplishment of serving in the role or can excite audiences or genders in a speech or on a photo.

Perhaps there is a more balanced approach to assessing elections and viewing the entire process.

As with the earnest and honest pleas of those who are so passionate on either side of the Black Lives Matter debate, each valid plea must be viewed in its own context and then as a whole.  Just as in a marriage, it is senseless to listen to the needs of only one spouse and the impact of the hurts they've sustained, while blatantly ignoring, consistently downplaying and intentionally attacking the other spouse -- preventing any relevance of their concerns.  

I must do the same when it comes to politics.

There are countless sides and dimensions to this complicated coin.  It's only through a better understanding of the entire process, not jumping to conclusions based my view through a portion of a lens that may be in fact be fogged, that I can ever make informed choices of how to cast my vote.

Until then I continue pondering This Christian's Worst Dilemma.  I could choose to remain frozen and paralyzed or I could choose to act out of emotion or narrow-mindedness.

My prayer is that, instead of freezing or settling, I will keep my mind open.  Not open to my own thoughts or the influence of those around me, but open to the voice of God as He leads me step by step.

I believe there is wisdom in seeking God's will in every season, every election, every issue, every ballot.  No party's record and no candidate's  profile is so stable or trustworthy that I can allow it to prevent me from considering how God is leading me to choose in the present.

So for now - for me - it still feels like the worst Presidential election dilemma ever (at least the worst in my lifetime), but believe me when the time comes to choose an each individual spot on any ballot, I plan to be led by the Lord.  It is my prayer that we will equip our children with the wisdom to do the same.

And no I won't tell you all the individuals I chose! :-)

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Gut Check! Questions for Mommies in All Seasons of Life!

Is it time for a gut check?  Check out this video and join in the discussion with me!

(It's in 3 parts for now but I will come back and edit it at some point and add them all into ONE.)

Part 1

Part 2

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

40th Birthday!

When I was 10 I searched for significance. 

For the next 10 years, I struggled to determine exactly to whom  I was valuable. 

At the age of 20 that search was over.  My savior rather emphatically revealed to me, that it was only his attention and affection that mattered. 
For the next 10 years (or so) I sought after Him.  He showed me what joy there was to be found in him, and him alone.  Not easy but extraordinarily worth it!   

When I turned 30 the real "woman's work" (in my eyes) began.  I cried (and I cry) so many times as I press through.  Ever thankful that He is always there --- spiritual spinach to
supernaturally strengthen my spirit!! 

Over the next 10 years, it was the only thing that kept me going....that kept me sane.

Here I am at 40, now what? 

My value comes from Him alone - still.

His affection and His unspeakable joy is what makes me smile - still.   

Gotta put the hard work in - still. 

And even moreso, boy do I need that spiritual spinach!!! 

For the next 10 plus ten plus ten (and so on) years, I vow to remain thankful for this life He's given me to live.

I take nothing for granted, but remain connected to Him.  For without him, I am nothing.  We are nothing.

Thank you Lord for FORTY YEARS!!

"Such confidence we have through Christ before God.  Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God.  He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant —not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.".
II Corinthians 3:4-6

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

EOE Update 2 - New Treatment Plan

We visited Healthy Kids Pediatrics today and talked to Dr. Nadoo (who also consulted Dr. Osborne, the naturopath).  Over the past few years, we've visited Healthy Kids Pediatrics for other reasons but hadn't been there since our son's condition developed.

We were so thankful for Dr. Nadoo's care and recommendations. 

Here's the plan of care we received (5 items listed below), to help heal our son's gut and hopefully get rid of the EOE!

That is our prayer!!

1.   Pro Omega Fish Oil    1 – 1 ½ tsp once a day

Benefits: "Provides exceptionally high levels of the omega-3 fats EPA and DHA."  Dr. Nadoo suggested Fish oil vs. Flax Oil. 

Each 5ml contains 3202mg of Essential Fatty acids.  1 standard fish oil capsule contains 300mg of EFA’s. This means that 1 tsp on Nordic Naturals ProOmega is equivalent to 11 standard capsules.

2.   Vita-Zymes Chewable     2 tablets before each meal

Benefits: Helps settle the gut and prevent reflux.  This was recommended vs. Prevacid which was prescribed by the GI doctor.

3.   GI Revive  (powder)    1 tsp    2 x / day

Benefits: "Slippery elm, chamomile and okra will sooth and coat inflamed bowels.
Cat’s claw supplement will decrease inflammation. Amino acids will support that smooth intestinal muscle.  Cat’s claw, quercitin, and mucin for comprehensive support of optimal gastrointestinal health. Prunus and citrus pectin are included to aid regularity.   If you have food sensitivities, this product will support your gut."

4.   Intrakid         1 oz      2 x / day for 2 weeks, then ½ oz     2 x / day, break on Sunday (ongoing)

Benefits: "100% organic liquid multi-vitamin and nutritional supplement specifically designed for children aged 4-12. Containing over 215 vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, IntraKID™ is formulated to support the healthy development of our children, as well as provide a defense against disease and illness.  The finest and most comprehensive nutritional supplement available for children.  Low Glycemic.  No Synthetics.  No Preservatives.  No Additives.  Hypoallergenic.  Vegetarian. Fresh Raspberry Taste."

Contains: 71+ trace minerals, 115 antioxidants, 10 essential fatty acids, 39 amino acids, 10 digestive enzymes, 35 green foods, 8 essential sugars, 62 vitamins and nutrients, 34 herbs, 16 macro minerals, 14 vegetables, 65 electrolytes, 7 optimum seeds and sprouts, aloe vera, 25 fruits, 10 probiotics, silver, noni, 12 carotenoids, 22 fibers, 86 bioflavanoids

Does not contain any: Preservatives, colloids, fat, cholesterol, wheat, gluten, caffeine, corn, yeast, rice flour, peanuts, nuts, soy, dairy, fish or fish oil, animal products, artificial additives, artificial colors, artificial flavors, fillers, pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics (drugs), chemicals, starch, binders, coatings, excipients, or flow agents.

5.   Black Walnut Herbal Supplement 9 drops in water    3 x / day

Gastrointestinal: The juglone in black walnuts may be behind the plant's ability to normalize intestinal tissue and may explain why black walnut drops are often used for nausea, constipation, diarrhea and the treatment of colic. Chinese researchers also studied juglone's effects on three key enzymes from Helicobacter pylori, the bacteria that causes ulcers, and found that it was effective at inhibiting growth of the bacteria.

Black walnut drops have been used to treat worms and other parasites and even poison oak rashes. It's the juglone in black walnut drops that targets tapeworms, while the tannins work as an astringent and help to reduce secretions and irritation and shrink and disinfect the top layer of skin to help relieve symptoms of ringworm.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

EOE Update 1

I haven't written an update here, on my blog in months!!!!  Since the experience we've been having with my 8 year old has been so significant, I thought I would document as much of it as possible until we get through it.

The name of the allergic condition he has, is eosinophilic esophagitis (EOE).

He started out, in October, at about 67 pounds (his normal weight), having trouble swallowing solid foods.

This progressed over the next couple of months and one of the biggest alerts we received was at Granny's birthday dinner, at the end of December, when he had a very hard time. We thought it was routine allergy problems. Over the next few weeks the problem got progressively worse.

In February he was down to only eating things like tomato soup, yogurt, ice cream, pudding. He couldn't even eat mashed potatoes.

I found out about EOE when I posted a question on a Facebook group (Essentially Healthy) asking if anyone had a child with difficulty swallowing. Our next step was to visit an ENT and have them perform a scope and see if they could find anything. They could not.

He sent us to the GI doctor, whom we visited later that week. After the office visit, he scheduled an in-patient surgery to look further. It was through that test (upper GI endoscopy or esophagogastro duodenoscopy), we were able to diagnose the EOE.

After that point we were told to try swallowed (vs. inhaled) steroid medicine - flonase, along with Prevacid and Nasonex.  After several weeks, there was no change.

We decided to further research and try to figure out if there was a natural way to treat the condition.

Several sources suggested that we could try either a) an elemental diet or b) an elimination diet.

We tried the elemental diet first (with Neocate formula and fruit drinks only) and he was just not getting enough calories.

With both elemental and elimination, he was sad that he could no longer have the yogurt, pudding, and chocolate that he had been enjoying before.  We had to remove those due to the milk content.  We also had to remove the yummy tomato soup he had been eating, due to the acidic content in the tomatoes.

So now we're trying the elimination diet, removing all of the high-allergenic foods such as soy, milk, fish, nuts, wheat, citrus, etc.  He can have soups and juices (still looking for a smoothie recipe that he will LOVE) and we also supplement with the Neocate fruit drinks.  Each little "juice box" contains 210 calories of great nutrients!

Last night we were happy that he liked the black bean soup Jeoff made for him.  He'll get over 200 calories in one cup and there's lots of healthy veggies in the recipe.  Other than that, he's eating brocolli an organic brocolli soup we've been buying.  We tried sneak chicken into it but it must not have been the right proportion.  He didn't like it.

He had been eating chick and potato soup made with rice milk, but he started having what may be an allergic reaction to the rice milk so that's off the menu until we come up with another milk to use instead.  He can't do cow's milk, goat's milk, almond milk, or soy milk.  He didn't like flax milk or hemp milk.  I think next time we'll try coconut milk again.

Yesterday he weighed 64.8 pounds.  That's up 1.4 pounds from two days ago.   Praise the Lord.

Thursday, April 07, 2011

Memory Master 2011

My 3rd grader accomplished a HUGE GOAL this week, which she set for herself a year ago (and I didn't even know she had set the goal). She scored 100% Mastery of the grammar curriculum in our home school program,@Classical Conversations Inc. In CC each year, students learn over 500 pieces of information including history, science, math, English, Latin, and geography. See more here. She woke up Monday morning and said, "Would you review the Memory Master information with me? All of it? I really want to be a Memory Master." :-) I'm so proud of her and all of the students in our CC community and what they've accomplished this year. Learning together with mommies and daddies is such fun! It's all for God's glory! Whatever goals they accomplish. Sol de Gloria!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

With Arms Wide Open

Life consists of mixed emotions and subtle ironies. We’re overwhelmed with emotion on the day we’re married, received that new job, or looked into the bright future of life filled with wonderful children, a great place to live, or our dream car. Then comes the day to day grind we must face; the disagreements, unmet expectations, disgruntled co-workers, car repair bills, or back-talking offspring. Where’s the joy then? Can we find it, or is it hidden too deeply?

Take a look at this excerpt from a book my husband brought home the other day by Stephen C. Lundin. The book is titled, Fish Tales – Bite-sized Stories – Unlimited Possibilities
“We recently read about a little boy with a rare digestive disorder. He spent much of his time in the hospital, with needles in his arms. When a doctor or nurse approached him, he knew it was because they were probably going to have to put another needle in his arm. But instead of crying, he smiled and held out his arms for them.
Life can sometimes be painful when you greet it with arms extended. But there is no other way to fully embrace life.”

When he first read this to me, I thought it was a cute story. I could even find a few examples of how I could apply the principle to circumstances I had recently experienced. We talked about how we want to teach our four young children this principle and be prepared to face not only the joys of life but the struggles and disappointments – starting with their every day dealings with one another. Teaching others is fairly easy to do because you don’t have to get too dirty.
Over the next few weeks, however, this thing was ever present before me.

As I faced my daily responsibilities, I would remind myself that I enjoy this family of mine. Each small source of irritation would present itself in much larger magnification that it was in reality and I’d have to slap myself and say “with arms wide open,” …. smile, …. embrace it.

Entering my 7th week of pregnancy, two and a half months after miscarrying I had an ultrasound. After being told my baby’s heartbeat was much lower than normal, and the measurement was below the presumed gestational age, I had to tell myself, “with arms wide open,” …. smile, …. embrace it.
Nearing summer’s end (ending way too soon), and staring at the books I’ve purchased, wondering how to put some type of plan into place to pull this all together and teach my children successfully, I’d sometimes think about how incredibly hard this job really is. My toddler poops again and it’s the kind that puts a grown person to shame and I want to scream. But the Lord reminds me, “with arms wide open,” …. smile, …. embrace it.

It’s now the beginning of my 8th week of pregnancy and every morning I wake up waiting for nausea, hoping for morning sickness, praying to feel the worst pregnancy symptoms ever because I know that’s a signal of hope. It’s a sign that something is being stirred up with in. It’s not being stirred up for futility, but it’s for a purpose. There’s life destined to be birthed. So any day I felt these symptoms, “with arms wide open,” ….I smiled, …. I embraced it. I actually hoped for that same struggle the next day.
Even today, after having confirmed that our 6th baby’s heartbeat had stopped, the principle has not changed. I’ve repeated to others many times before and I hate sometimes, when I have to take this advice myself — the Lord’s principles remain unchanged. I can’t apply it to one circumstance and not another. God’s says in his word that “weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning” (Psalm 30:5). The Word also says, “for the joy that was set before Him, He endured the cross.” (Hebrews 12:2) So today, Lord, I set that same joy before me.
I will arise and eat bread. “I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me.” (II Samuel 12:18-23)

I love you, Lord. I know you planned and fashioned our family well before I met any of these people living in this house with me. Well before you placed me in my own mother’s womb. So again, I say that I love you. I thank you. I will “Be Still and Know That You Are God”.
And “with arms wide open,” ….I will smile, …. I will embrace it.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Apple Cider Chicken

I love love love this one!! Thanks Sunny!

Apple Cider Chicken by Sunny Anderson


  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts (about 2 pounds)
  • salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 1/2 Vidalia onion, chopped
  • 1 Granny Smith apple, cored and sliced into 1/4-inch wedges
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 teaspoons dried thyme
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  • 1 1/2 cups apple cider


Heat oil and 1 tablespoon butter in a skillet over medium-high heat. Season the chicken breasts with salt and pepper, add to pan and sear until golden, about 4 minutes each side. Remove chicken from pan, and set aside. Add remaining butter and onion, apple, garlic, thyme and bay leaves. Saute until apple begins to get color and onions soften, about 6 minutes. Add flour and stir 2 to 3 minutes. Nestle chicken back into pan, add cider, bring to a boil, reduce to a simmer and cover. Cook until chicken is cooked through, about 12 minutes.