Wednesday, January 06, 2010

I love my fam!

I really do! There are tons and tons and memories we have, of growing up and hanging out with our parents and cousins and other extended family members.

If there is any place I can laugh, be myself, dance, make funny faces, it's with these folks. I'm the youngest of four girls, so you can probably imagine the depths of my silliness.

My husband teases me because, (almost) no matter how tense and upset I am, if I get a phone call from one of my sisters who has funny story or joke, that frown is instantly turned upside down!

It's funny that my husband is also the youngest of four (of four boys) and his immediate family is not much different from mine. That makes life so much brighter than the alternative. And I don't take that for granted.

Speaking of the fun I had growing up, we can already see (well, we hope) our children, nieces and nephews will have memories much like ours. The madness began with my nephew who's now twenty years old and a sophomore in college and that madness has continued, down to our youngest son.

I love it and wouldn't trade it for the world!

1 comment:

Dionna said...

I love this picture because it shows an inside glimpse to the joy and comfort of loved ones when they are together!