Monday, January 29, 2007

Another 21 days

Today I am starting again with another twenty-one day push for cleansing/healthy eating.

Last time I got through about 60% of the time period with no compromise and I'll keep trying until I get to a 100% run.

So today I'm starting with my breakfast of eggs and sausage.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Good Start - Update January 25

I haven't sent an update in forever.

Let's basically say that I've learned that if I don't get a good start each morning with an immediate breakfast of something like eggs and sausage, and multivitamins.

I'm doomed for the rest of the day!

Cravings and all kinds of thoughts creep in!!

So here and there I've had some coffee, some pizza, and even a few cokes!!

The 21 days with Covenant Church, ends this Sunday. I hope to do well between now and then start up with another go at it.

I can say that I HAVE lost about 8 pounds through all this! Yipee!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Good Start - Update January 15 - 17

The last three days. Okay, I'm getting behind.

** Monday 1/15 **

I can't remember exactly! But I know I did pretty good this day.

Something like eggs in the morning, salad for lunch, etc, etc.

** Tuesday 1/16 **

The beginning of the day was fine. Had chicken strips for dinner, which is a borderline decision.

** Wednesday 1/17 **

I fell off the wagon for breakfast today because I didn't eat any before I left and we stayed out that morning until almost 11am. So at 10:28 I rolled into Chik-Fil-A! And had coffee with Hazel Nut and some chicken minis!

The rest of the day I did good.

Monday, January 15, 2007

CTI: Holy Highway Outreach Event

The event this past weekend was incredible. Not only was it a chance for Jeoff to minister through music and for me to sing with him and the other participants, but it was an incredible move of God.

The ladies there at the facility were so touched by the princess makeovers they received and the messages from Pastors Derozette and Cyd, and not to mention the one on one ministry they received from all of the ladies who travelled to Pickton from Covenant Church.

It was an experience I'll never forget, and hopefully one the girls won't forget either.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Good Start - Update January 14

Eating today:

Protein shake
Caesar salad

Omega 3s

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Good Start - Update January 13

Eating today:

Protein shake
Two slices of pizza
Chips and queso
South Beach snack bar

(Not so healthy today!!)

Friday, January 12, 2007

Good Start - Update January 12

Eating today:

South Beach Snack bars (I brought those with me out of town, since I wasn't able to do my normal routine)

Chicken Strips
Protein shake

Omega 3s

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Good Start Part 5

Today's eating:

Breakfast - Eggs, sausage

Lunch - Protein shake

Dinner - Chicken strips and caesar salad

Snacks - Apple, Peanuts

Monday, January 08, 2007

Good Start - Part 4

Today was a pretty good eating day.

I started with breakfast (albeit late) including eggs and sausage, with a portion of an apple.

For lunch I had a caesar salad with croutons and cheese.

With peanuts as snacks in between.

For dinner I had a protein shake.

Throughout the day I had multivitamins and Omega-3 supplement.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

CTI January

At some point I'm going to have to compile all of the notes I've taken over the course of CTI this past year and half but here's an update for January 2007.

This weekend we will be going to an outrech event for Holy Highway Home for Girls. Jeoff will be playing and I will be singing along with some really great ladies who sing a lot more often than I do! I count it a priveledege and it'll be a great experience.

I'm especially excited that Jeoff has met some great new musician friends who love the Lord and love their craft.

This home we are going to is for girls who have gone through difficult times in their lives and had to be sent there for rehabilitation. The theme of the weekend is "A Night with the King". We are praying that these girls truly have an encounter with the king that weekend and that his impact brings about a change in their lives that will last forever.

In January we are beginning a 3 week class, entitled Biblical Leadership.

And we will also be working with the CORE students on the original songs they have written. During this first month of the semester we will begin developing the musi for their songs and move forward toward production!

Good Start Part 3 (Eating Update)

For the past 4-5 days, I have been having eggs and sausage for breakfast, salad with croutons for lunch and a protein shake for dinner. With peanuts to snack on here and there. I've also had a multivitamin to supplement.

On Friday Jeoff bought some of the To Your Health and I've had 1 oz of that each day since then. I'm not sure how long I'll continue that because I don't want to be dependent on it.

I will also change up my choices of foods at some point but for now I'll stick with this because it has gotten me going and has helped me get the coffee and sodas out of my diet.

More updates later.

Good Start Part 2

The new series that my pastor started for the month of January is very much on point with my cleanse/health plan.

He gave a challenge for us to eliminate something from our diet for the next 21 days. And suggested that it be something like sugars or carbs.

That was very exciting to hear.

I know there's a lot of talk about new year's resolutions and fun made of them, but I will definitely take advantage of the momentum that a new year's brings.

Also, since it's something that the entire church is encouraged to do, it's great for accountability.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Thank you for visiting!

Everything here is not about the same topic. There are updates on CTI, healthy eating, thoughts and struggles, and wonderful things about kiddos and life in general.

If you see a post that doesn't look interesting, keep reading, you might find me off on another tangent talking about something else.......

It's the things the Lord brings to mind to keep me going!!!

The things I thank Him for!

So I Blog for Life!

In the grip of Grace,


p.s. Leave me a comment and let me know you stopped by!!