Monday, September 03, 2007

First week of homeschool

Since I'm not able to write details of how each day goes, with homeschool, I'll at least try to write some of the weeks.

The first couple of weeks was adjustment and training of course. The first week, was just my children and my 2nd week at home was my first official week going through the curriculum and the first week with my nieces here.

We start school work each day at 9AM. Before that, I try to wake up by 6 or 7, and have some time for myself before everyone is awake and get a good protein breakfast, with fruit and grain (if I'm doing well). I don't skimp on the protein though. It's great for energy.

We currently sit at the dining table for the beginning of school, since we don't have the tables set up in the school room yet.

We start with prayer, a story for Bible (currently they're learning about Christianity and the other religions contrary to Christianity). It's part of the My Father's World Curriculum. They learn those so they can be compassionate about the people all over the world who do not believe in Christ.

We also learned (or reviewed) all the continents, oceans, learned about the basics of maps, started with science, art, writing, narration, etc.

On Friday, we ventured out to The Museum of Nature and Science and watched Dinosaurs Alive! at IMAX.

The biggest things I'm learning is how to effectively discipline and manage time.

More later....

1 comment:

Amico Dio said...

Your kids look so happy! What a great job you are doing with them! I want to be in your school! ;o)

My boys haven't officially started this year. I just finished my homeschool lessons and we will officially start next week.

I can't wait to read more about your adventures!