Thursday, March 06, 2008

Pupster's Prayer

After the usual and most often uttered, "Now I lay me down to sleep.....," The Pupster asked us to repeat the following "open prayer," as we call them.

It was so cute, I had to post it:

thank you Lord
for making this day
we love you so much
because you’re so friendly
and whenever we do something bad
mommy pinches us, or daddy pops us or grandma puts us in the corner or granny pulls our ear


Motherbird said...

You have a beautiful family!

KatieBug said...

What a funny boy!

I have been reading your blog for a while now and all the places in your pictures look so familiar! I also homeschool my 3 kids (5 1/2,4and 2 and am expecting #4 in July. I was wondering if you are a part of DCHSA or if I might have seen you around. :)