Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Redesign Satisfied

I was talking to my husband today about eating healthy, cooking healthy, snacking healthy etc. and one interesting thing we discussed is the tendency to drop healthy eating goals when we become stressed.

Something occurred to me during the discussion and I said, the solution is that we need to redefine satisfied.

Many of us are so used to expecting not only a full stomach after a meal, but also a feeling of mmmm that was so tasty! It's almost like a lust, and in many ways it is a lust. I'm sure you can relate. There are some meals that can just pop into our minds and all of a sudden we have to have it, no matter the cost. The danger is when we move into do this daily and even planning our weekly meals based on the need to satisfy the mmm-mmm-good feeling.

The concept is actually quite powerful and can be applied to many aspects of life.

With our meals, as we redefine satisfied, we will begin to plan based on the desire to eat good, healthy foods, to feed our body's need to grow, sustain strength, and maintain stamina. Our body's desire to live longer and enjoy life.

In our marriages, as we redefine satisfied, we will begin to give (and PLAN) to give based on our spouse's need. We will begin to appreciate a loving healthy relationship based on commitment, through Christ, unconditional love and fulfilling God's desire for us to be together longer, enjoying marriage for life!

Redefine what you call SATISFIED in your eating and in your relationships!
(more to come, just had to jot down the thoughts I had initially)

1 comment:

Kerry said...

This is very thought provoking. I've never heard anyone put it like that before! I can't wait to hear more.