Tuesday, January 20, 2009

It's a Historic Day

"I never want to let anything temporal (skin color, personal struggle or discomfort, earthly injustice, socioeconomic status) outweigh my allegiance to stand for things that are eternal."

Read more below......

Or should I say it's AN Historic Day. :) The Inauguration of our 1st Black President. I'm just quickly capturing a few thoughts, since I can't articulate everything.

I wish my grandmothers had lived to see this day because I know their hearts would have been made glad. I know my parents and mother-in-law are smiling from ear to ear as they watch this young man and his wife as they move into this new era and prepare to inspire more people to pursue their highest aspirations. This occasion reminds us that God's will prevails. It prevails over anything any man has the power to do. It prevails over the notion that one man can ultimately bar another's success, or deny them something as simple as his self-confidence; his hope.

As I search for more words to say, for now I'll just say it's historic. And I will chronicle a little of how we spent the day.

I attended a Bible study at Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship, and watched the inaugural address on several of the big screens. Baby boy was with me and listened along. I was inspired by the address and proud of Rick Warren for praying in Jesus name (as he said - the one who saved him).

I admit there was a bit of humor in Joseph Lowery's benediction when he mentioned "when black will not be told to get back, when brown can stick around, when yellow can be mellow, when the red man can get ahead, man and when White will embrace what is right." It was one of those things you laugh at but later think about the content and ask yourself, 'should I be laughing at that?"

Came home and watched some of the parade and luncheon ..... going to the garage to do some decluttering... plan to watch some of the inaugural ball tonight with Jeoff and the kids and talk about what this day means.

Praying for Senator Kennedy.


My thoughts are coming to me a little more clearly now..... so I'll write a little more.

I pray that whether we are conservative, liberal, independent, constitution party or other, we can all work together. Now that the efforts, the sacrifices, the ridicule, and bloodshed of so many, has allowed this day to come, I hope we can somehow begin to merge these very different political roads. One which rightfully hails the importance of our nation's social issues and the other which, in my opinion, more blatantly stands by our Biblical mandate as Christians to fight for life, protection of the unborn, and marriage the way God intended it.

It's a new phenomenon to even think that everyday people of diverse political affiliations can work together in communities, openly sharing the heart of their views, yet making a difference for the good of our nation.

I am for that. I will take personal responsibility and rally behind our President in doing that. Because Lord knows, my view, on many subjects, is in no way main stream. As I share it and walk it out, and as I more closely fine tune these convictions myself, I will say that at the heart of them is this --- I never want to let anything temporal (skin color, personal struggle or discomfort, earthly injustice, socioeconomic status) outweigh my allegiance to stand for things that are eternal.

When it's all said and done this body will go back to dust, the same color dust as everyone else's. But my soul will live forever. And in that forever place my communion (and communication) with him will be that of spirit and not of flesh.

I pray God will give us what we need in this country, to work together in peace and honor.

Chronicling the day,


Friday, January 16, 2009

Great video - And Great Motivation for Reading All Kinds of Books to our Children

This is a great video on the importance of teaching content, such as history, science, geography, arts, social studies, instead of overemphasizing reading techniques and strategies.

Here's the blog post where I found the video.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

When boo bear is under the weather...

...this is where he spends the majority of his time. Nothing like having to carry a heavy baby around in your arms as you're getting things done throughout the day, not matter how cute he is LOL

He naps longer there, he's more content, my hands are free, I can easily hear if his chest is rattling, I can feel how big his coughs are and I can easily clean his nose without him wiggling away.

Thank God for my Ergo baby carrier. It's so much better and more comfy than all the other carriers I've tried.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Five years ago

My big buddy is now 5 years old.  Man!!!  I remember the day he was born and how elated we were that we finally had another boy in the family.  Before him, the only grandson in the family (on my side) was my nephew and after him, came 5 girls.  So glad to have another boy in the mix now.

You started out as a very mellow fellow.  Always with a calm, warm grin, but not loud or boisterous at all.  But man, when you hit the 2 year mark, you took off like a firecracker.

I'll never forget you whipping across Granny's sectional, and across all the furniture in the Narthex of Covenant Church.  LOL

Then there were your experiences in preschool.  All the calls we received about this little boy who wouldn't listen, wouldn't take directions, wouldn't sit still, wouldn't stay at the table.  The calls saying you need to come pick him up and if this happens again, you need to consider taking him somewhere else because he can't comply with the school rules.

You've grown oh so much since then.  

After my first year of being home with you, and schooling you, and watching you and your action-packed behavior.  But at the same time, watching your helpfulness and your tender heart running to bring a flower, or a teddy bear, or a cup of water to one of your sisters when they're hurt.  And watching you sit and sing a whole MEDLEY of songs to your baby brother when he was crying and mommy was taking your baby sister to the potty or cooking dinner and couldn't pick baby up.

Buddy, God allowed me to see how much love and care he has placed in you and by seeing that I'm able to look through your actions and (prayerfully) lovingly correct and guide you into making better behavior choices. ---- Like don't get out of bed in the middle of the night and cut your hair with scissors, because you want your hair to look like Daddy's.

I know that when you're BUSY and wanting to flip and jump or whatever, it's not because you're a tyrant or a rebel.  I can watch you and listen to you before and after you do it, and know what was on your mind, so I won't have to just yell at you and beat you into submission.

You are 5 years old now!! Oh my!  Leading up to this birthday, you have accomplished so many things.  You are a super reader!  A piano player!  A baseball batter!   A touchdown maker!  An iTunesU Greek Language course taker!  And a God lover!

I look forward to watching many more milestones in your life and helping you through the bumps in the road, on our journey.

Happy Birthday, son!!



Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Homeschool Month 5 - Incorporating iTunes University

My husband told me about iTunes University at the end of last year and last night I sat down and went through some of the courses.  iTunes U was started in May of 2007 and it's such a neat resource!

I selected one of the free video courses for my 1st Grader to "take" this semester.  It's Elements of Music, taught at Missouri State University.   We started with the first session today.

As for the rest of our schooling, much of the past 4 weeks was spent on Christmas break, but when we were not on break, we continued work on Bible, handwriting, reading, living math, science, character, nature and art.

As we go into this next semester we'll be continuing the same, with the addition of Kitty's new music class, possibly Suzuki piano and the classes we take at co-op.

Friday, January 02, 2009

My Husband Rocks Friday!

My Husband Rocks
Disclaimer: I do these "My Husband Rocks" posts because I saw the idea on Katy Lin's site and I thought it was a good idea to do, as it helps me to focus in on the good of my hubby especially when things are tough. Hopefully I'll be able to go back to these and read them during any tough times that come. And they do come.......

My Husband Rocks because I opened the cabinet for a bowl just now and all of the bowls were ever so neatly arranged.  I almost wanted to close the door and never eat again so it'll stay that way forever.

There are so many more things I want to write and say based on the last few weeks.  The holiday vacation and time we spent was very special.  I just haven't been able to sit down and write it all out.

Thanks babe, for taking time to do what you did for me today and for all you do to make me feel special.

End of the year meme (2008)

1. What did you do in 2008 that you’d never done before? coming soon
2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I didn't make any
3. Did anyone close to you give birth? Yes.  In addition to me -- Chrystal, Ashiya, Rochelle, Ronnie, Roz, Keyna, Charity, Angelique......
4. Did anyone close to you die? my paternal grandfather (James Gort), my uncle (James Wilson)
5. What countries did you visit?  none other than the U.S.
6. What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008? a will
7. What dates from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? coming soon
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? childbirth
9. What was your biggest failure? coming soon
10. Did you suffer illness or injury? nothing major, thank God!
11. What was the best thing you bought? coming soon
12. Whose behavior merited celebration? coming soon
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? coming soon
14. Where did most of your money go? housing, groceries, savings
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?  leaving a legacy!
16. What song will always remind you of 2008? Sid the Science Kid Theme
17. Compared to this time last year, are you: (a) happier or sadder? (b) thinner or fatter? (c) poorer or richer? a) happier, b) thinner (no baby in my tummy), c) not sure, I have a little more saved so I guess richer
18. What do you wish you’d done more of? spending time with friends
19. What do you wish you’d done less of? using the computer when my children had a question
20. How did you spend Christmas? family traditions, one new one was brunch at my house with my husband, his mom, brothers, and nieces
21. Did you fall in love in 2008? already in love!
22. What was your favorite TV program? America's Best Dance Crew, Sid the Science Kid
23. What was the best book you read? Pagan Christianity
24. What was your greatest musical discovery? coming soon
25. What did you want and get? coming soon
26. What did you want and not get? coming soon
27. What was your favorite film of this year? August Rush!
28. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?  36, spent time with family
29. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
31. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008? relaxed
32. What kept you sane? The Lord, through his Holy Spirit
33. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? none
34. What political issue stirred you the most? coming soon
35. Who did you miss? coming soon
36. Who was the best new person you met?  
To name a few - Amy Andrews, Chonta Veal, Chavon Bethany, Margaret Donnnely, Stacey White, Andrea Studt
37. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2008. coming soon
38. Favorite quote of the year
"If the sargent is not respectful to the lieutenant how can we expect the private to be respectful to the sergeant".
This is with respect to the mother's need to submit to the father, if she expects the children to submit to her.
39. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year. coming soon