Tuesday, July 07, 2009

How Long Do We Continue "Going on" About a Person After They've Died?

Some people are thinking, "enough with this MJ stuff, let it rest"... Do we need to say that when you die? And a week has passed? Shall we say, okay enough talk about him/her, they're gone. Let's move on with our lives? Quit talking about him? Stop showing me her pictures? ...(I'm just saying)

(I copied this from FB so the home page of my friends is not inundated with my (our) musings and also because I'm going back to FB status hiatus soon.)

Comments from FB:

Comment 1: If there was a love button I would have cicked it instead of "like"... wonderfully said!

Comment 2: Les...I think you are grieving (smile)...WELL. SAID!!!

Comment 3: I think people are often rushed to get over their grieving. As we support people in grief, we should allow them as much times as it takes for them to grieve.

Comment 4: People are cruel! I have a friend talking that mess on FB two days after-- He said am I insensitive- bout seven ppl responded saying no. I told him yes he was- let the man be grieved and remembered!!! I am NOT convinced he was a pedophile! The media lies!!! I am a living testimonybto that- I have experienced it first hand. They are into what sales, and unfortunately people don't want to buy the truth!

From me: lol, you know I hadn't been postin' in a while so words have been trapped inside me waiting to get out!

Comment 5: it is a fallen society that God has rejected that elevates a sinful, self centered person and holds them up for praise and adulation. Living or Dead. Why do we have ANYTHING good to say about a person (living or dead) who rejects the Lord who created him or her, who practices self centered, narcissistic greed, who encouraged a whole generation of people to fill their minds with useless, unGodly, irrelevant, Twaddle (at best)? Morning my friend or loved one and wanting to talk about them is different than standing by and listing to people praise someone that most of us didn't know personally who demonstrated hate for my very best friend. Sorry Leslie. This is my only post to this thread!

Comment 6: I guess it would be different if you actually knew me. Most people have no clue who Michael is.

From me: i'm going to with hold further comment for now :)

Comment 7: I am just saying, if you go laid off, your spouse died, your kids were sick, you couldn't pay your bills, you were sick, you just got promoted, found out you were pregnant, or something else that is to be mourned or celebrated Michael would care less. Not to mentioned if you died he wouldn't be doing a memorial for you. So there is a huge difference when there is a relationship. Whats your thoughts?


I'm responding to comments here that were somewhat different than my understanding. I'm saying these things because I like to be rhetorical. I like to share, and don't mind being challenged.

My response to Comment 5:

1. Sinful?

Who is sinful? What makes one no longer sinful? It is the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ, not anything human other than accepting him and allowing him to change us as we continually surrender.

2. Anything good to say? I'd rather say something good, than bad. What about choosing to think on and share about things that are praise worthy, of good report, noble, and good?

3. Someoe who "rejects the Lord who created him?" Who did that? Do we know that MJ or any other person did that?

4. Self-centered? My initial post was not just about MJ but speaking of MJ, if I could share some observations, I saw many self-less acts that he did. From calling and visiting people who were sick and grieving (those whom he knew and many he did not know at all, and many who have thanked him for taking the time out to do for them and give money to them, so much so that he ended up giving more than he spent on himself.

I must reiterate that my comments here are not justifying anything the man did wrong but saying it's okay to be thankful and acknowledge acts that one has done in their life.

5. "Praise someone that most of us didn't know personally" Bringing it down to scale, with our much smaller sphere of influence, we don't only touch the lives of people we meet personally. If you touched someone's life and they never met you personally, should they not share what your words or deeds meant to them, how you may have inspired you because they heard you on a radio program or read a article you wrote? We should think about things we say about societal issues and bring them home to our own lives and see if we apply the same rules.

6. "Demonstrated hate for my very best friend" Do we know this? If it's true was it not possible for him to have repented. If he did repent does Jesus love him less than he loves you because you had your act together during your life here on earth?


Response to Comment 7 (way above):

"If (something happened to me) that is to be mourned or celebrated Michael would care less."

May be true regarding me, but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate what he did for others whom he didn't know. What have you done for someone you didn't know? Would it be wrong for that to be mentioned after you die? If I read a story of some misfortune you have experienced and I chose to reach out and do something nice, would you not be thankful? I think your parents, children, etc. would love to know nice things you've done for others, since it is the Lord who demonstrated to us that we are to be good Samaritans, give to others, find opportunities to give to those who are hurting or have other needs.

"If you died he wouldn't be doing a memorial for you" Does that matter? I don't do unto others as they have done or would do unto me. When you're gone, I'd like to remember you for good the Lord has done through you. He can use anyone or anything to give to someone in need.

"There is a huge difference when there is relationship"

There definitely is a huge difference, but it doesn't mean that comments and remembrance should be non-existent just because someone didn't know you personally. I'm sure you have readers who have read what you've written and may share how it has blessed them, after you're long gone. I know it's not your purpose for doing it, but if people want to share what your life meant, there should be nothing wrong with that.

Regarding the extravagance and the way the media has mishandled things, the way fans have taken things out of hand, sure... they'll always do that, they're people.

Reminder: my initial subject was -
How Long Do We Continue "Going on" About a Person After They've Died?


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