Wednesday, July 01, 2009

K.I.S.S. - Keep it Simple Sweetheart

For years I have had discussions with my husband regarding certain points of stress that come up such as, organizing laundry, finding shoes and clothes for the day, planning meals, the list goes on. I have times when I am on top of these things, and they're working like clockwork but other times they most certainly are not.

One thing he has told me during some of these times is "do less". I don't comprehend that well because I am a go-getter. I like to plan things, see them happen, and before it's done, see the next vision of what could be done and how the current thing can be done better next time.

Although I don't always listen quickly to my husband, especially when it's a sensitive topic and I so want to be right, I have been pondering these words of his.

I am seeing the value of doing less, during this summer break from school. Each week my calendar is full of potential play dates, free movies, library crafts and clowns, and each week lately I have been crossing half of it out.

As a surprise to myself, it has felt really good! The end of my day is much more peaceful and I am much more intimately acquainted with my kitchen! The closer I am in relationship with that place, the more I want to keep it clean. Consequently, that sink I thought could never shine each night has actually been shining because I am in there much longer after a meal. In the months immediately prior, we would eat a meal and be out the door speedier than Mr. Gonzalez. Upon returning home, everyone would be yelling for food so I didn't have time to clean from the last meal before everyone was piled in the kitchen and pantry begging for food and I frantically prepared it.

I've even saved lots of money, as I've kept it simple, because we haven't taken a trip in the car in 2 days!

Now that I'm seeing the beauty of this, I pray I can keep it up, or at least some very close resemblance of it. The school year is fast approaching, so as I make my schedule I pray I will stick with this success story and make it work to our advantage! Reminds me of this other good day.


Andrea Studt said...

great post! And, great job.

I know about too much busyness and chaos. I get frazzled quickly when we are too busy for "us". It shows mostly in my boys' behavior. I am still learning and trying to be tuned into when I am overdoing "stuff".

Keep it up and know you are not alone.

Akiah Pettis said...

Maybe that's my problem...I need to make it simpler. I am frustrated on a daily basis, and why? The work never seems to get completed anyhow. Maybe I am making too much of this flowing schedule thing. So I'm going to simplify things and let you know how it goes...Thanks.

Astra said...

The words "do less' ring so profoundly in my ears. I've often had these moments where my list of things seem to go on and on. In those times that I was trying to accomplish everything and didn't I felt "less than". I remember about a year ago when I came to your house "the lady" told me "you are enough". It meant a great deal to me especially seeing that the lady didn't know me and she spoke to a situation that I had just begun dealing with. So I'll try to remember to do less because it is extremely hard during midterms/finals. It's what's best for me. So simple...Do Less