Friday, June 01, 2007

Frustrated with Reading

I was off work today and out of all the things I could do on a day that I have completely to myself, one of the things I chose was the library.

I got a new card for this area, and was informed that there is not a limit for the number of check out items, for new card holders.

It had been so long since I'd been to the library, that I went a little overboard. I got a set of reading books for my kinder girl, a book on How Boys Learn, Montessori from the Start, Reading Can Be Fun, Love and Logic Solutions for Kids with Special Needs, The First Year of Homeschooling Your Child by Linda Dobson, Simeon's Gift by Julie Andrews, How Computers Affect Our Children's Minds - for Better and Worse by Jane M. Healy (Author of Endangered Minds) and an Eyewitness that covers Planets becuase we have taken a break from all other TV/Videos/Movies for a while.

I brought them home, knowing that this would be a rare day that I have so much free time, and I literally tried to read one of them (The Mind of Boys) in its entirety while I ate my Colter's baked potato in the parking lot.

Much to my dismay, I did not finish the book in that setting. I looked up and it was already 2:30PM! I have so much more to do when I get home, and won't have much time at all to read this afternoon.

I wanted to get all those books in, in one day and then some! At least the ones primarily for adult readers. :-)

If I could I would complete all manner of research on the internet that I want to do as well. All before 5PM. But I cannot.

So I became frustrated!!

I'll get in what I can fit in and the rest will be worked in later.

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