Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Remember the sins or the life?

I don't know all of Michael Jackson's sins, I don't know all of yours, you don't know all of mine.

People say how can we forget all the "bad Michael did?" and just look at his great career?

I ask them (you), do you want us to remember and focus on all the bad YOU did, after you're gone from this world?

I think I would love for you to celebrate my life, and allow the Lord to deal with my sins. He does that best.

(I copied this from FB so the home page of my friends is not inundated with my (our) musings and also because I'm going back to FB status hiatus soon)

Below are the Comments I received from FB:

Comment 1 "Deep. So true."

Comment 2 "Say it again!"

Comment 3 "yes, but calling Michael Jackson an "icon," and luading him as a great man (as the media does) is not just either. If we judge a man by his fruits (as we are to do), then we must mourn his passing for, unless he repented before he died, he most surely is suffering right now."

Comment 4 "You took the words right outta my mouth! ;)"

From me, re: Comment 3 "I wasn't going there at all, my statement was simple and clear. Please re-read it. It was my only point. I can "go there" and respond to what you're saying but that was clearly not the intent of this status. I hope that's not the discussion going on for you or any others of us when we leave this earth. We are not the judge. Our purpose as lovers of God, and followers of Christ is to share His love and help others come into the saving and cleansing relationship that he promises. Anything other than that, is surely not the ideal method for sharing the gospel with a lost or suffering soul."

Comment 5 "Hi Leslie, maybe this is part of an earlier discussion and I am jumping in the middle! It seems you are saying we shouldn't say anything negative about MJ because it's not Christian to do so. My contention is that it is not wrong to point to the sin in his life and remark that people who follow in MJ's footsteps must invariably suffer the consequences of sin just as he did and is perhaps now doing. The gospel is not "good news" unless people first understand the "bad news" that we are ALL sinners and the only thing that is different between me and MJ is that the Lord was gracious enough to show me my sin (in part) and convict me of my utter lostness. The bible is full of negative examples that we are called to learn from. Just like life is full of negative examples that we can draw on to exhort ourselves and others. I'm not saying that MJ was a wicked, evil person. But I can say that, according to scripture, he lived the life of a fool. I'm saddened by his passing."

Comment 6 "My point was about what we do at one's passing, regardless of who they are. If I believe, according to scripture, that from what I know of person A, person A has lived the life of a fool, should I not celebrate the good of person A's life at her passing? I've heard people say that people should not remember the man's fun nature, contributions, talent, positive personal relationships,etc. because of the weirdness and sin that also existed. I'm just saying that if I look at that in black and white and compare it to another's life after they're gone, .....are we wrong in posting memorial tributes to the great memories of their life, and let the Lord deal with their sin? Got sin? Yes I do! What fruit am I producing if I focus on the sin, other than to help the next person know the loving savior who can wash them from theirs? What glory does the Lord receive in all the other finger pointing? That's all I'm saying. Thank God for the life and the relationship and the gifts God gives."

Comment 7 "I agree to a point...but I don't like the way the world has made Michael Jackson an "Idol"....saying how he has made such an impact and left such a legacy. Yes, he has left a legacy of good music, and some other bad stuff....but not a lasting legacy for God's Kingdom. It is sad on this day. That all the worldly wealth, prestige, power, talent, is all ashes in the end without the hope of Jesus. Sad for his kids."

Comment 8 "My comment was in response to ur original post. Wow...this opened a big ole can of worms! I totally agree...not our job to judge!"

From me "Agreed. I do wish there were more glory given to the Lord, in his passing. We don't know, however, if he had the hope of Jesus. We can, however, bring God glory in how we respond to all of this."


Leslie said...
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