Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Competitive Birthing

Enough is too much. I just like quoting that from Happy Feet, but I had to include this here.

It's a news report about "Competitive Birthing", where women are competing with other women in the number of children they have and the report speaks of it as a status symbol.

Many of the mothers are working and are paying for the children's education, home care, potty training, and the like. And it even speaks of a $15,000 activity budget!!

Here's a quote from the article and you can click below to hear the news story fron NPR.

The newest status symbol for the nation's most affluent families is fast becoming a big brood of kids.

Historically, the country-club set has had the smallest number of kids. But in the past 10 years, the number of high-end earners who are having three or more kids has shot up nearly 30 percent.

Some say the trend is driven by a generation of over-achieving career women who have quit work and transferred all of their competitive energy to baby making.

They call it "competitive birthing."

Hear the news report here.

To contrast a bad perspective on it, here's a good story! A family who sees children the way we should!


Bea said...

Everything old is new again - a 12-kid family was a status symbol in the Victorian age too. (As was an idle wife, incidentally - a rich man could afford to have a wife who does nothing but fancy needlework - even the task of raising the kids could be farmed out to the servants. Those were the days, eh?)

Susannah said...

I like the idea of promoting motherhood and childbearing, but this is reallly over the top! Thanks for some interesting food for thought. :~)