Friday, August 03, 2007

On Having More Children

Baby #3 2006 (AKA Lamby)

When we decided to have another baby after our second child, it was largely because of a seminar we attended by this couple at church. It was at the marriage conference about 3 years ago. The only reason we would have stopped after him, was because of concerns of managing them or having enough money, etc. The things we heard at the conference convinced us to go ahead and have one more. After she was born, we were pretty much in limbo and not sure either way whether to have any more. Then, it was mainly because of all the work involved. But I've seen so many stories of how it actually still works, even in our day and time.

In the last few months, more and more confirmation has been received that leads us to believe that there is no sound reason for not having any more. There are reasons that we could think of like you won't be able to do as much, it will be too much work, you're 35!! :-), you don't have enough money, etc. But none of those reasons stand when we go back to the whole reason for children being born in the world in the first place.

So now we're open to how God leads us and I wanted to let you know. Basically we were in limbo before but now we are not.

Is there a limit? It'll be based on God's wisdom, not mine.

Update: Here's a new followup post to this one. And a second followup here.

Disclaimer: Adoption IS an option, if there's a reason you're unable to have more biologically!!!!

I say that because of this post.


Karla Porter Archer said...

that is what we decided too. Most people do not understand that... and they always throw out the standard "Well that's why He allowed for birth control"...


We would have missed out on so many blessings if we had stopped on our own.

Great post and thoughts!


Karla Porter Archer said...

wanted to mention too, that I linked to this on my blog.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this perspective. If we had payed any attention to finances or other things people suggest you should have in place before you consider having children, we would have never had any children! We didn't have anything in place before we began to expand our family. And now, as far as we understand, our family is complete. But who knows, we are going with God and looking forward to wherever He taks us.

God Bless,
Karla N

MrsB said...

As with anything, we must evaluate any decision based on the Word of God and not look to the world for advice. If God allows a 4th child, then He will provide the necessary provisions to parent/rear that child. Matt. 6:25-34